? 首展预订一空
? 汇聚全球500家参展商,更吸引国际领军酒企与制造商首次来华参展
? 同期活动近百场,把脉市场走向,聚焦行业热点

2013年11月13日至15日,国际葡萄酒与烈酒行业龙头将齐齐亮相上海,参加ProWine China首展。这场国际葡萄酒与烈酒行业的顶级盛会预计吸引全球500家参展商到场,将为国内外进口商、经销商、零售商、餐饮业经理以及侍酒师创造绝佳机会,与26国酒庄展商面对面交流磋商。ProWine China商机无限、精彩不断,到场观众绝对不虚此行。


???????ProWine China 2013将有来自阿根廷、澳大利亚、奥地利、保加利亚、加拿大、智利、中国、克罗地亚、法国、格鲁吉亚、德国、希腊、匈牙利、意大利、墨西哥、摩尔多瓦、荷兰、波兰、葡萄牙、俄罗斯、南非、西班牙、瑞士、英国、乌拉圭及美国参展商。届时将设16个国家展台和4个地区展台。

???????现距展会开幕尚有两个半月时间,而所有展位均已一售而空。展会面积原计划为4000 m?,但因展商人数激增而增至5000 m?。法国参展队伍最为庞大,其国家展台共有80家参展商。其次是阿根廷与西班牙,分别带领70家和56家展商参展。葡萄牙与意大利紧随其后,参展规模分列第四和第五。届时更有36家中国企业参加ProWine China 2013。

???????全球顶级葡萄酒品牌期借ProWine China之机力拓中国市场,其中有鼎鼎大名的法国吉赛福酒业集团、CASTEL、菲立斯(FSA)酿酒集团、美国杰克逊家族酒业、伦茨?摩塞尔酒庄(Lenz Moser)以及德国汉凯香槟酒公司。观众将有机会一睹首次携产品亮相中国市场的Russian Traditions及Sektkellerei J. Oppmann等参展商的风采。此外,ProWine China将成为美国华盛顿州和俄勒冈州展商在中国大陆的处女秀,而瑞士葡萄酒推广协会(Swiss Wine Promotion)此番亦首次率领六家瑞士酒庄来华参展。加州葡萄酒协会更大大增加了其在中国大陆的参展面积。ProWine China还吸引近50家参展商展出来自法国、意大利、墨西哥、俄罗斯及南非等国的独特烈酒酒品。


???????ProWine China 2013展会期间将举办逾百场活动,内容精彩丰富,机会多多。除举办主题葡萄酒品鉴研讨会介绍葡萄品种与产区外,展会期间还会教授葡萄酒与美味佳肴的绝妙搭配,此外更有贸易信息交流、市场动向把握以及葡萄酒知识普及等诸多活动。法国、西班牙、加利福尼亚州等国家/地区展团亦会在自家展台直接组织研讨会和品鉴会。作为规模最大的国家展团,UBIFRANCE将代表法国酒企参与展会期间的15堂葡萄酒大师班课程,为进口商、经销商、零售商、餐饮业经理及侍酒师提供了解并品鉴法国葡萄酒、挖掘最新商机的绝佳机会。

???????此外,ProWine China 2013还设有两间宽敞的研讨室,分别名为ProWine China论坛和ProWine China大师班。参展商和观众可在此交流葡萄酒与烈酒行业信息并展示各自产品。奥地利、格鲁吉亚、德国及葡萄牙国家展团将在研讨室为贸易行业专家带来各自葡萄酒产区的最新资讯。德国葡萄酒协会亦将携手黛布拉·梅宝迪(Debra Meiburg MW)介绍葡萄酒与中国美食搭配的奥妙。

???????中国侍酒师葡萄酒与烈酒挑战赛(CSWSC)将于2013年11月10日至12日举行,是中国唯一关注侍酒人士的盲品葡萄酒赛事。届时,中国及世界顶尖侍酒大师将参与盲品比赛,并获得由知名侍酒大师(国际/地区赛事冠军)组成的专家组悉心指导。比赛结果将于11月13日ProWine China展会首日公布。观众可在三天展会期间莅临ProWine China经销商沙龙(Distributor’s Club)品鉴获奖酒品。

???????本届展会将于11月13日在上海浦西的五星级酒店威斯汀外滩中心举办盛大晚宴。届时,贵司可藉此良机结交出席ProWine China展会的侍酒师、葡萄酒行业媒体代表及葡萄酒业知名人士。此外,上海葡萄酒协会将分别于2013年11月12、14和15日在上海举办一系列国家级葡萄酒晚宴。

???????ProWine China 2013精彩不容错过

???????ProWine China 2013凭借其国际性办展定位,为葡萄酒与烈酒行业专家打造独家优势平台。ProWine China 2013展会仅对专业观众开放。展会日期:



09:30 – 17:00


09:30 – 16:00

观众预注册或欲了解ProWine China 2013更多详情,请访问www.prowinechina.com。网上预注册后,中国大陆观众可在开展前收到观众参观胸牌,国际观众则会收到特定预注册号,凭号可在上海新国际博览中心2号、3号入口大厅换取入场胸牌。

ProWine China 请联系: ProWine China&FHC请联系:
杜塞尔多夫展览(上海)有限公司 华汉国际会议展览(上海)有限公司
顾建勋 先生 张远渊 女士
电话:+86 21 6769-8311 电话:+86 21 6209 5209
电邮:josh.gu@mds.cn 电邮:margaret@chinaallworld.com
ProWein 媒体事宜请联系:
杜塞尔多夫展览集团公司ProWein 新闻部
Corinna Kuhn, Brigitte Küppers (助理)
电话:0211/4560 –598/–929

ProWine China 2013 promises exciting discoveries

? Première event sold out
? 500 exhibitors from all continents including international market leaders and
producers present themselves in China for the very first time
? Some 100 events on current trends and themes

In a few weeks time, from 13th to 15th November, the international wine and spirits industry will meet in Shanghai, China. 500 exhibitors from all around the world are expected to come to the première event of ProWine China. The dedicated exhibition to wine and spirits will give importers, distributors, retailers, F&B Managers and sommeliers from China and abroad the chance to communicate and negotiate face to face with wineries from 26 different countries. Visitors can surely look forward to making exciting new discoveries.

Specialized Wine Exhibition is Full of Variety
ProWine China 2013 will feature exhibitors from the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, UK, Uruguay and the USA. There will be 16 national pavilions and 4 regional pavilions.

With over two and a half months to go until the exhibition commences, all the space has been sold out. The originally planned exhibition area was 4000m?, however due to a constant increase in number of exhibitors the area has been expanded to 5000m?. Featuring 80 exhibitors, the largest national pavilion belongs to France, followed by Argentina with 70 exhibitors and Spain with 56 exhibitors. Portugal and Italy rank fourth and fifth respectively. 36 Chinese companies will be represented at ProWine China 2013.

World’s leading wine brands such as Les Grands Chais de France, CASTEL, Félix Solís Avantis, Jackson Family Wines, Lenz Moser and Henkell & Co. Sektkellerei will use ProWine China as the platform to further extend their business in China. There are many discoveries to be made by visitors who are able to meet exhibitors such as Russian Traditions and Sektkellerei J. Oppmann AG, which will be presenting their products to the Chinese market for the very first time. ProWine China will also be the debut trade show in Mainland China for American groups from Washington and Oregon, as well as the Swiss Wine Promotion, who are bringing along 6 wineries. In addition, the Wine Institute of California will return to the Mainland with a substantial amount of exhibition space. Around 50 exhibitors at ProWine China will present spirit specialties from countries including but not limited to France, Italy, Mexico, Russia and South Africa.

Supporting Events Make For a Worthwhile Visit
More than 100 supporting events will underline ProWine China’s variety. The spectrum of offered opportunities will be large. As well as thematic wine tasting sessions, featuring specific grape varieties and regions, there will be numerous events on combining wine with food as well as talks on trade routes, market trends and wine education. Many national and regional groups such as France, Spain and California will hold seminars and tasting sessions directly at their stands. UBIFRANCE, representing French companies and the largest national group, will provide importers, distributors, retailers, F&B Managers and sommeliers with the opportunity to taste French wines and explore new business opportunities as part of 15 Master Classes.

Furthermore, there are two spacious seminar rooms, named ProWine China Forum and ProWine China Master Classes. Exhibitors and visitors will be granted a great chance to exchange wine and spirits knowledge and present their products. National groups from Austria, Georgia, Germany and Portugal will inspire trade professionals with latest information about respective cultivation regions. Together with Ms. Debra Meiburg MW, the German Wine Institute will display their expertise and experience in wine and Chinese food pairing.

China Sommeliers Wines and Spirits Challenge (CSWSC) will take place on the 10th to 11th of November 2013. It is the only Chinese sommelier focused blind tasting wine event of its kind. The competition brings together China’s leading sommeliers, both local and international, and a panel of renowned Master Sommeliers including world and regional champions. Results are announced on the 13th November, the first day of ProWine China. Visitors have the unique opportunity to taste and explore award winning wines during the three days exhibition at the ProWine China Distributor’s Club.

A gala dinner on the 13th of November at the 5* Westin Hotel Bund Centre, Puxi, Shanghai is the exclusive opportunity for visitors and exhibitors to network with sommeliers, wine press and wine celebrities that are attending ProWine China. Furthermore, the Shanghai Wine Society will organize a series of national wine dinners on the evenings of the 12th, 14th and 15th of November 2013.

Wine and Spirits Experts Should Not Miss ProWine China 2013
Wine and spirits experts will benefit from the international spectacle that is the ProWine China 2013. ProWine China 2013 is a trade only exhibition. Show hours are as follows:

13. – 14. November 2013 09:30 – 17:00
15. November 2013 09:30 – 16:00
Pre-registration and further information on ProWine China 2013 is available at www.prowinechina.com. Pre-register online today and receive your visitor badge in advance of the show for addresses in mainland China. International visitors will be sent a special pre-registration number which they can use to collect their visitor badge on site at visitor lobby Entrance No 2 & 3 of the Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

Press Contact ProWine China: Chinese Press contact ProWine China & FHC:
Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. China International Exhibitions Ltd
Josh Gu Margaret Zhang
Tel.: +86 21 6769-8311 Tel: +86 21 6209 5209
josh.gu@mds.cn margaret@chinaallworld.com
Press Contact ProWein:
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, Press Office ProWein
Corinna Kuhn, Brigitte Küppers (Assistent)
Tel.: 0211/4560 –598/–929
kuhnc@messe-duesseldorf.de, kueppersb@messe-duesseldorf.de