非盈利<葡萄酒知识分享网>,Non-profit Online Wine Media In China


微信公众号: Wineclos

WINEONLINE.CN is a  non-profit website aimed at the popularization of wine culture . Established at the beginning of 2005.





陆江(Maxime LU)

– 1999年开始探索研究葡萄酒;可以用中文、法语、英语沟通;

– 曾为Decanter亚洲葡萄酒大赛(Decanter Asia Wine Awards,Hongkong),意大利南部葡萄酒大赛(Puglia)、葡萄牙葡萄酒挑战大赛-Wines of Portugal Challenge(Lisboa)、中国年度最佳葡萄酒酒单大赛、《葡萄酒评论-RVF》中国优秀葡萄酒年度大奖、新疆丝绸之路葡萄酒大赛、 中国贺兰山东麓葡萄酒博览会大赛、波尔多行业协会(CIVB)”随时随意波尔多”百大选拔、法国南部Top50葡萄酒评选大赛、《中国葡萄酒》百大葡萄酒、罗博报告“罗博之选”、《环球美味》世界葡萄酒中国市场年鉴等国际国内葡萄酒大赛专家评委;

– 曾为黑珍珠等国内多个餐厅指南(榜单)评委;

– 葡萄酒内容自媒体人,曾为Decanter中文版, Prowine China(Prowein中文版)等主流业内网站,以及时尚男士健康、美食与美酒、罗博报告、天下美食、康泰纳仕-悦游等部分主流时尚美食美酒类媒体撰稿人;

– 资深葡萄酒收藏顾问和买手,从2006年至今曾为多个私人酒窖专业顾问;



– 曾为法国波尔多、美国加州、智利、阿根廷、法国南部、德国葡萄酒等多个主流国际葡萄酒产区官方协会合作讲师;

– 曾为湖南卫视、北京电视台、深圳卫视、湖北卫视、香港健康卫视、凤凰卫视、中央人民广播电台、云南广播电台等媒体葡萄酒相关内容嘉宾;

– 曾接受彭博商业周刊、Decanter英文版、新京报、京华时报、新浪时尚、康泰纳仕-悦游、新华社、ChinaDaily、中国国际广播电台CRI、澳大利亚广播公司、德国之声、法国电视2台、法国电视台海外频道、美联社AP、西班牙巴斯克电视台等国内国际媒体采访;

– 探访了世界主流酒类产区国:新西兰,澳洲,美国,墨西哥,智利,阿根廷,法国,德国,意大利,葡萄牙,西班牙,摩尔多瓦,南非、格鲁吉亚等;国内产区:云南香格里拉,宁夏贺兰山东麓,河北怀来,山东蓬莱,新疆伊犁,新疆和硕和焉耆,新疆天山北麓等产区。

– 葡萄酒行业咨询顾问;



Jiang LU(Maxime LU)

-The founder and Chief wine editor of WineOnline.CN since 2005.

-The founder and main contributor for WineBlogChina.COM since 2011

-Wine Judge for international wine competitions: Decanter Asia Wine Awards (Hongkong) , Wines of Portugal Challenge(Lisbon) , Radici del Sud ( Puglia ) ,and some domestic wine competitions.

-A contributor for Decanter China(Chinese version of Decanter.com),Prowine China(Prowein) and for main stream media on fashion, finance , food and wine.

-A member of several blind tasting panels for publications including RVF China, Food & Wine (China), Robb Report,Wine in China,etc.

-The distinguished guest for Hunan TV, BTV, Shenzhen TV,Hubei TV,Phoenix TV,Hongkong Health TV,Yunnan Radio,etc.

-Interviewed by Decanter(English Version,UK),Condé Nast Traveler,Deutsche Welle, France 2,Xinhua News Agency, China Daily, CRI, AP, EITB, etc.

-Visited wine countries:France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, USA, Mexico,Chile, Argentina ,Australia,New Zealand, South Africa,Moldova, Georgia,etc.

-The consultant of Wine Collection and Buyer.

Email: info@wineonline.cn
Weibo:  http://weibo.com/wineonlinecn






陆江先生曾采访过Gerard Basset,Edwardo Chadwick, Allen Meadows, Christophe Salin, Jean-Claude Boisset, Stéphanie de Boüard-Rivoal, Geneviève Janssens,Jean Michel Cazes,Herve Deschamps等国际酒行业人物。



Founded in 2005 in Beijing, WINEONLINE.CN is an online media platform focusing on wine, sharing wine, food and related tourism articles. In addition to the website, WINEONLINE.CN in China’s mainstream social media platform has synchronous release accounts.

Mr.Lu Jiang(Maxime) is the founder and chief editor of WINEONLINE.CN. He has been working in the wine industry in China for 20 years. He is the judge of Decanter Asian Wine Awards (2015-2019). He was the theme interviewer and contributor of Decanter Chinese edition, and the theme contributor of ProWine Chinese edition website.

Mr.Lu Jiang has interviewed Gerard Basset, Edwardo Chadwick, Allen Meadows, Christophe Salin, Jean-Claude Boisset, Stephanie de Bouard-Rivoal, Genevieve Janssens, Jean Michel Cazes, Herve Deschamps and other people in the international wine industry.

Mr.Lu Jiang was also interviewed by the British Decanter magazine (July 2021 issue).