文: 王智慧 | 葡萄酒在线
2015智利周自23日起在京沪两地正式启动. 智利前总统、现任智利驻亚太地区特命全权大使爱德华多·弗雷率150人的代表团访华, 众多政府高官、企业家、艺术家随行,展开了“智利周”这一系列经贸、文化活动,希望能够继续加深两国友好关系,在商贸、投资、旅游和社会人文等领域展开更广阔的合作。
“Chile Week ”2015 has been officially started in both Shanghai and Beijing since 23rd this month with a series of activities. It is held by the Chilean delegation of 150 members, including governors, enterprisers, and artists, and lead by former Chilean president,now Chilean Ambassador to Asia-Pasific region, Eduardo Frei. The meaning of “Chile Week “ is to further promote the friendly relations and cooperation between the two countries in fields such as investment, tourism, trading and humanities.
On 27th, as a part of “Chile week”, a Chilean wine tasting ,sponsored by Chilean Embassy and Wines of Chile,was held in Season hotel in Beijing. Wineonline also attended the tasting as a guest.
The event took off with a speech by Julio, the Asia-Pacific director of Wines of Chile who hopes Chilean wines could maintain the good momentum of development in Chinese market. Then Rijing Qu, who is proficient in Chilean wines, introduced the audience some basic knowledge about Chile and Chilean wines, including geographical diversity,considerable climate variation,Chilean wine history, 14 Dos and folk customs. All in all, the unique natural environment in Chile is the blessing of god.
Hans随后带领现场客人对六款葡萄酒进行了品鉴,都是既具有品种典型性,也能够表现出智利风土特征的水准不弱的葡萄酒, 让品酒人对智利葡萄酒的特征和高端葡萄酒的水平都有了更清晰的认识。
Mr. Qu also lead the guests to taste six Chilean wines,which could well expressed the typicality of grape variety and its terrior and give the tasters a clearer picture of characteristics and high-end products levels of Chilean wines.
现场酒单如下/Wine list is as the following:
No. 1:?Vi?a Casa Marin, Cipreses Vineyard,Sauvignon Blanc,2014
D.O:?San Antonio Valley
No. 2:?Vi?a Montes, Montes Alpha,?Chardonnay , 2013
D.O:Casablanca Valley
No. 3:?Vi?a Valdivieso, Single Vineyard,?Merlot, 2010
D.O:Curicó Valley
No. 4:?Vi?a La Ronciere, Quiron,?Shiraz, 2012
D.O:Colchagua Valley
No. 5:?Vi?a Emiliana, Signos de Origen “Los Robles”,?Carménère, 2010
D.O:Colchagua Valley
?No. 6: Vi?a Undurraga, Founder’s Collection,?Cabernet Sauvignon, 2010
D.O:Maipo Valley
?No. 7:?Vi?a Casa Silva, Quinta Generación( 混酿)
D.O:?Colchagua Valley