“Pio Cesare Wine Dinner” at Danieli’s Restaurant, St.Regis Hotel Beijing, 6:30pm, Saturday, Dec. 13th.


Join us as world acclaimed Italian wine family Pio Cesare hosts an exclusive evening featuring the best of their Barolo and Barbaresco, presided by Mr. Cesare Benvenuto, the 5th generation of the family and accompanied by a sumptuous 6 course dinner by Executive Chef Giordano Faggioli.

举世闻名的意大利葡萄酒世家皮欧酒庄第五代传人Mr. Cesare Benvenuto将为您带来他们最负盛名的葡萄酒,行政总厨Giordano Faggioli先生更精心烹制了相得益彰的美味佳肴,为您呈现一个不同寻常的美妙夜晚。

Price: RMB888 net per person.
