2019年7月,智利葡萄酒协会亚太区迎来了新的转折点,智利葡萄酒协会原亚太区总监胡礼渊(Julio Alonso Ducci)将被调往美国区任总监,亚太区总监将由尼克莱·三星(Nicolai Samsing)担任。智利葡萄酒协会原亚太区总监胡礼渊在任5年,成功举办了多场“智利葡萄酒中国巡展”、“90+品鉴会”等,带领酒庄积极参与众多亚洲区重要酒展,并完成了对智利文化美酒之旅的宣传拍摄——“享受美酒,爱上智利”和“复活节岛,醉美之旅”主题活动。他对在亚洲推广智利美酒、宣传智利文化起到不可忽视的重要作用。
胡礼渊(Julio Alonso Ducci)
2019年7月智利葡萄酒协会总部任命尼克莱·三星(Nicolai Samsing)担任智利葡萄酒协会亚太区总监,他将全面接手亚太区市场业务,积极促进智利美酒在亚太区的拓展,加强塑造智利品牌,提升智利葡萄酒国际化形象。
Hi all,I am very excited to be able to speak to you from my new role as Director of Asia for Wines of Chile.
Being consistent over time coupled with a good share of innovation is part of the DNA of our office. The Chinese market demands constant reinvention, new brands, trends, activity in social networks and the speed of business require us to be alert and constantly listen to our consumers who are the most important.
A little about me, I have a background in Business & Administration. Prior to my arrival in Wines of Chile, I was the Mobike launcher in Chile at the beginning of 2018. The Mobike operation stands out as the 2nd country in which Mobike is profitable outside China, we achieved it in 7 months, so that it was a pride to lead and be part of that team. Previously, I spent a few years in the beer market, specifically in ABInBev, where I focus on the Innovation area, making new brands of craft beer grow from scratch.
As we know, the wine market in China last year suffered a stagnation in the volumes of imported wine, where only Australia and Chile stand out with increasing volumes. At the same time, other countries have declined in volume, but have grown in value. In our opinion, the Chinese market is undergoing a rapid change where there is more space for premium wines and that is where we are going to focus. We know that Chile has the best wines in the world in this segment and it is our duty to show them to the Chinese consumer, as well as many consumers from different countries such as Japan and Korea already enjoy.
I invite you to actively follow Wines of Chile in good company of a glass of Chilean wine, your friends and the relaxing summer afternoons.
Nicolai Samsing
期待在尼克莱的带领下,智利葡萄酒协会将在未来迸发出优异成果。与此同时,祝愿上一任智利葡萄酒协会亚太区总监胡礼渊(Julio Alonso Ducci)担任智利葡萄酒协会美国区总监一切顺利。