2019年4 月 15 日星期一
中国市场知名的饮品分销商美夏国际酒业,也是澳洲零售业巨头Woolworths在华子公司,今天宣布任命葡萄酒大师 Jennifer Docherty 为该公司品牌品类管理总监。
任职期间,Docherty 女士将和所有的饮品品牌紧密合作,帮助他们在市场上推广其品牌。
Docherty 女士在饮品行业有 12 年的工作经验,包括在英国的 Liberty Wines 担任葡萄酒买手。她拥有非常丰富的葡萄酒专业知识,于 2015 年获得葡萄酒大师(MW)称号。她是第一位精通中文和普通话的华裔葡萄酒大师,而目前在大中华地区工作的只有六位葡萄酒大师。
Docherty 女士出生在加拿大一个传统的华人家庭,在纽约和伦敦生活过。目前她定居香港。
这是美夏过去 20 年历史上第一次聘用葡萄酒大师,首席执行官 Craig Aldous 表示,聘请Docherty女士对于公司业务发展将是一剂“妙招”。
“我们和中国顶尖的侍酒师、餐饮总监及葡萄酒买手一起工作,我们拥有卓越的客户群,这就是为什么称聘请Jennifer 作为品牌品类管理总监对公司业务发展是一剂妙招。”Craig 先生说。
Summergate hires Jennifer Docherty MW to head up brand portfolio
Monday 15 April – Drinks distributor Summergate Fine Wines & Spirits has today announced the appointment of Jennifer Docherty Master of Wine as its Head of Brand Portfolio Management.
“I am thrilled to be joining the team at Summergate. I look forward to selecting premium products that I believe consumers and businesses alike will love, and helping producers achieve their distribution and brand building goals in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau,” she said.
In her role, Ms Docherty will work closely with drinks brands to help them build their product presence in the market.
“Summergate is particularly strong in the on-trade sector, so I look forward to continuing existing and developing new relationships with hotels and restaurants.” she added.
Ms Docherty has been in the drinks industry for over 12 years, including having been the wine buyer for Liberty Wines in the UK. She is highly educated, and has been a Master of Wine (MW) since 2015. She is the first ethnically Chinese and Mandarin speaking MW, and there are currently only six MWs working in the Greater China area1.
Ms Docherty grew up in a traditional Chinese household in Canada, and has lived in New York and London. She currently resides in Hong Kong.
“On a personal note, I’m excited to remain based in Asia so I can contribute to the continued growth of this young and dynamic market,” she added.
It’s the first time in Summergate’s 20-year-old history the company has employed a MW, and CEO Craig Aldous said hiring Ms Docherty is a ‘coup’ for the business.
“We work with some of China’s top sommeliers, F&B directors and wine buyers, and we have a discerning customer base, which is why it’s quite the coup for us to have a Head of Brand
Portfolio Management of Jennifer’s calibre,” Mr Aldous said.
“She is highly qualified and experienced, and I have no doubt she will help us to continually enhance the quality of our offering, and be pivotal in our on-going success,” he added.