7pm, Tuesday, November 2rd, 2010 Rmb 398 net/person(每位)
Xiao Nan Guo Restaurant / 小南国餐厅
401-A, Floor 4 Duhuitiandi Market, No. 1 Xinyuan South Street, Chaoyang District
Winemaking has been a Coppola family tradition for several generations. Today, Francis Ford Coppola owns two wineries – Francis Ford Coppola Winery in Sonoma County and Rubicon Estate, in the Rutherford AVA of Napa Valley. Coppola wines express true appellation characteristics of California, with its Director of Winemaking, Scott McLeod, recognized as “2009 Winemaker of the Year” by Wine Enthusiast.
Ms. Heather de Savoye, representative of the Francis Ford Coppola, will introduce in China new releases made by the Coppola family, along with an exquisite five-course menu presented by Xiao Nan Guo Restaurant.
柯波拉酒庄所呈现的葡萄酒是加州特色的美好诠释,其首席酿酒师Scott McLeod被世界权威杂志《葡萄酒爱好者》评为”2009年度最佳酿酒师”。
酒庄代表Heather de Savoye女士将诚挚邀请您共同品味这一传奇家族的杰作以及小南国餐厅的美馔佳肴。
RSVP: 010-5165 5519 ext. 208, Sophie Sun sophie.sun@everwines.com