Chateau Lathibaude(拉蒂伯德)系列是由法国GONET酒庄酿制。GONET庄园建于1802年,历经6代的变更。该庄园被分为3大块:环绕酒窖的180公顷位于卡约瓦雷格拉夫公社(Caillau and Vayres);自1999年起,有80公顷位于吉伦特省(Gironde)出海口的绿岛上,面对玛高庄园(Margaux)。借助其特殊的地理位置,GONET酒庄酿造了一系列新的特殊的酒。拉蒂伯德便是在这种得天独厚的地理环境下酿造出来的。


Graves de Vayres 2002

Graves de Vayres 2005

Chapelle de Lathibaude-Bordeaux

Beychac et Caillau-vin de France

Lathibaude-Bordeaux Superirur



时间:06年11月25日 星期六17:30-21:00





橡木酒庄 Oak Cellar

France Wine Chateau Lathibaude Tasting Party

Chateau Lathibaude launched by Champagne house Gonet which was established since 1802.It has passed six generations of family to make firm grow and prosper.The vineyard is divided into three great entities:180 hectares around the chateau in the communes of Caillau and Vayres,80 hectares (since 1999)on the Green Island in the estuary of the Gironde,opposite Margaux.This acquisition enables Gonet to develop a new specific range of the Island wine (Chateau de l’lle Verte,Chateau Belle lle,Chateau La Terrasse,Chateau Valrose).Chateau Lathibaude also get an benefit from these advantages of environment.

This party will recommend five ones,they are:

Graves de Vayres 2002

Graves de Vayres 2005

Chapelle de Lathibaude-Bordeaux

Beychac et Caillau-vin de France

Lathibaude-Bordeaux Superirur

Meanwhile,the party assort with romantic tone in North Garden.I believe it will bring you an unexpective feeling.Don’t missing …

Date: 25 Nov.06 18:00-21:00

Add: The North Garden(No.218-1,Wangfujing Street,Beijing,China)

Fees:100RMB(includes buffet dinner,wines)
