2002年被世界权威葡萄酒杂志《Decanter》评为年度风云人物的米高 . A . 桃乐丝先生无疑成为西班牙葡萄酒业现代化的领头人。经过桃乐丝先生四十多年不懈的努力,桃乐丝家族不仅在西班牙、智利及美国加州拥有自己的葡萄园,而且已经成为了一个行销世界130多个国家和地区葡萄酒市场的国际化品牌。
为了庆祝桃乐丝葡萄酒进入中国市场十周年,米高 . A . 桃乐丝先生决定在优雅的北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店向人们展示他的葡萄酒。
快来加入我们一起同米高 . A . 桃乐丝先生庆祝这个独具西班牙风格的盛会吧!您将有幸品尝到来自西班牙的客座主厨Guillermo Trull先生为您亲自烹饪的西班牙美食及精选自三大洲的桃乐丝美酒,现场还有特别的弗拉门戈吉他表演等……
Awarded in 2002 as Decanter’s Man of the Year, Miguel A. Torres has undoubtedly been the driving force behind the modernization of Spanish wine. Over 40 years of his work has led the TORRES family?to be a global force in wine with vineyards in Spain, Chile and California and a presence?over 130 markets.
To celebrate the 10 years of?TORRES operations in China, Miguel A. Torres has chosen The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, Financial Street?as the venue of refinement for his wines to be showcased.
Come and join Miguel A. Torres?in an authentic Spanish fiesta with sumptuous creative “tapas” especially prepared by Spanish guest Chef Guillermo Trull, paired with a selection of TORRES wines from three continents,flamenco guitar and much more!