Join Brown Brother’s Wine Educator, Steve Kline, as he demystifies wine paring with Pan-Asian cuisine. Mr. Kline has a great deal of experience in the Asia region and this dinner has been tailored to pair some of Australia’s finest wines from Brown Brothers with Asian delicacies prepared by the team at My Humble House.

Price: 600RMB+10% service charge

让我们与来自澳洲布琅兄弟酒园的专业葡萄酒讲师Steve Kline先生共进晚餐。享用寒舍餐厅美味佳肴,配以澳洲最佳精品美酒——布琅兄弟葡萄酒。Kline先生对亚洲十分了解,当晚他将为您揭开葡萄酒与亚洲菜肴完美搭配的神秘面纱,令您感受到享受美食与美酒的极致乐趣。
