时间/ Date?:2008年3月19日/19th, Mar. 2008

地点?/Venue?: 希尔顿酒店, 北京市朝阳区东三环北路东方路一号/Hilton, Beijing 1 Dong Fang Road, North Dong Sanhuan Road Chaoyang, Beijing 100027, China

鸡尾酒会/Cocktail Party?: 7?:00pm-7?:30pm

晚宴/Dinner?: 7?:30pm-10?:00pm

咨询及预订/ Inquiry & Reservation: 010-64612072-128 ?王小姐 

着装要求/ Dress Code:敬请来宾以正装或礼服出席/ Please Attend in Formal Attire.


? ? ? 得名于园内美丽独特的大鹅卵石,得天独厚的地理环境让宝嘉龙出产着温柔细腻,芳香浓郁,优雅而绝妙平衡的葡萄酒。但她绝对值得等待,至少陈放10年以上方是绝妙。陈年后的宝嘉龙像杨贵妃苏醒的美态,回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色。

Chateau Ducru-Beaucaillou, located in Saint-Julien, Bordeaux, whose origins lie in the early 18th century, owes its name to the “beautiful stones” that characterize its terroir and whose exceptional wine-making assets translate into the finesse and elegance of its wines. It is because of its terroir that Ducru-Beaucaillou is often considered the epitome of the Saint-Julien AOC label.

For many, Chateau Ducru-Beaucaillou is the quintessential Saint Julien; a name revered by connoisseurs from the Home Counties of England to Oriental collectors. Under the aegis of Francis Borie and his son Jean-Eugène, a succession of admirable wines established Ducru-Beaucaillou as one of finest exponents of Cabernet Sauvignon in the whole of Bordeaux.