日期: 2008年11月11日
Date: 11th, Nov. 2008

地点: 北京柏悦酒店, 中国北京市朝阳区建国门外大街2号
Venue: Park Hyatt Hotel,2 Jianguomenwai Street, Chaoyang District Beijing, People’s Republic of China 100022

鸡尾酒会: 6 :30pm-7 :30pm
Cocktail Party: 6 :30pm-7 :30pm

晚宴: 7 :30pm-10 :30pm
Dinner: 7 :30pm-10 :30pm

咨询及预订: 010-64612072-128,王小姐
Inquiry & Reservation: 010-64612072-128,Miss Wang

着装要求: 敬请来宾以正装或礼服出席
Dress Code: Please Attend in Formal Attire

报名截止日期: 2008年11月10日
Registration deadline: 10th, Nov. 2008


碧尚男爵堡在整个波尔多产区内是著名的“传奇式” 庄园。碧尚庄园由Longueville家族所拥有,其后人Baron Joseph于1850年把庄园平分给其二子三女。后来,二女儿嫁给了拉龙(de Lalande)伯爵,成为了拉龙伯爵夫人(Comtesse de Lalande)自此,女爵堡以伯爵夫人之名命名(Chateau Pichon Lalande),而男爵堡则继续以其家族姓氏Longueville Baron命名,自此便出现了目前的两个菩依乐二级名庄,而这两个二级名庄便是今天举世闻名的兄弟庄园。碧尚男爵堡庄园于八十年代中期被保险公司AXA购得,并进行大手改革,大大地提高了葡萄酒的品质,使其二级名庄的神韵得到极致的发挥。

Ch?teau Pichon Longueville Baron is a winery in the Pauillac appellation of the Bordeaux region.. The wine produced here was classified as one of fifteen Deuxièmes Crus (Second Growths) in the original Bordeaux Wine Official Classification of 1855.
The seeds of the creation of the Pichon domaine, which was split to form the two Pichons of today, Baron and Lalande, found in the late 17th Century. Baron and Lalande were owned by the Longueville family, as upon the death of Baron Joseph who was the last member of the Pichon family held sway over all the vines, the estate was divided between his children, Two shares were passed to the sons, the remaining three shares passed to the daughters. These vineyards forming the nexus of Chateau Pichon-Baron and Chateau Pichon-Lalande.
The style of the Pichon-Baron is one of contrast to sibling Pichon-Lalande, has demonstrated a more masculine, structured, reserved although not quite reticent style of wine more akin to Latour than Lalande, and no doubt this is in part due to the significant proportion of Cabernet Sauvignon in the blend, more than can be found in the sister wine.

雪丹露庄园Chateau Suduiraut:

不能不提在晚宴中的两款白酒,她们来自于雪丹露庄园,是与碧尚男爵堡同属于AXA集团之下的一级名庄。雪丹露庄园位于苏玳区Preignac村内,于1855年的白葡萄酒评级之中评为一级名庄(Premiers Crus)。雪丹露出产甜白酒的品质绝对仅次于区内唯一的特等庄园–滴金庄(Chateau d’Yquem),某些年份的甜酒会使行家误认为是滴金庄的出品,在法国甜白酒世界之中无愧于“坐二望一”的称号!

Chateau Suduiraut lying at the southern end of the commune of Preignac, a stone’s throw from those of Yquem. In 1855 classification of Sauternes and Barsac, Chateau Suduiraut was deemed of Premier Cru quality. The quality of white/sweet wines that produced by Chateau Suduiraut are always be a great quality that is the only one just next below the Chateau d’Yquem which a Premier Grand Cru wines.