地质结构异常复杂的法国布根地盛产名贵的葡萄酒,几乎每一个人都认同,布根地酒所蕴含的秘密就是土壤……不同的地质结构赋予了葡萄的个性,葡萄的命运从一出世就已经有了等级的区分。酒商是否有实力,从他所拥有或者是合约的葡萄园级别中就能看到,正如法莱丽家族,在布根地的名气如雷贯耳,拥有着130多公顷的葡萄园,几乎全部集中在著名的金丘区(Cote d’Or)及夏隆内丘区(Cote Chalonnaise),其中金丘区50公顷的葡萄园有四分之三是特级葡萄园或一级葡萄园。在法莱丽的所有产品中,超过85%都来自自有的葡萄园。这样雄厚的实力来源于法莱丽家族七代人自1825年创立至今的不懈努力,现在由家族第七代传人Erwan Faiveley先生掌管。除了葡萄园,他们家族还掌控另一个非常成功的事业―――Faiveley高速列车电动门的生产商,这项生意为Faiveley家族带来每年上亿欧元的收入,为法莱丽在葡萄种植和酿酒提供非常充足的资本,让他们得以在葡萄酒这一挚爱的事业上大展拳脚。


现今,法莱丽已经成为布根地数一数二的顶级酒商。她的产品结构宽广,但产量不大,走中高档的价格路线。当然了,在几乎不计成本对所有细节的严格控制下,产品的质量是无容置疑的。难怪Robert Parker也曾这样评价法莱丽:“当今布根地的酒商中质量可以凌驾法莱丽之上的,大概就只有罗曼尼康帝(DRC)和丽花(Leroy)吧!”


Burgundian wine, patronized by royalty through the ages, is celebrated for its elegance and subtlety, and obtaining much attention from wine lovers.


Faiveley family merchant and vineyard owner with 117 hectares, one of the largest in Burgundy, is a rarity.When we taste at some Burgundian wine merchants we get the inescapable feeling that for them, good management consists in buying poor wine from growers as cheaply as possible and spending a fortune proclaiming “We’re the best” ! At Faiveley, it’s rather the other way round. They don’t buy wines, but grapes, and their work starts by limiting the yield.


Founded in 1825, Faiveley has been handed down from father to son for over 175 years to its seven generation today – lead by Mr. Erwan Faiveley. As the sixth generation to take the reins, Mr. Fran?ois Faiveley manages, with equal amounts passion and competence, the largest family domaine in Burgundy. Methodically reconstructing vineyards fractured by French inheritance laws, Faiveley today owns more appellations in their entirety (monopoles) than any other domaine in Burgundy.


Let’s taste the true appellations of Burgundy by DOMAINE FAIVELEY.
Date:?13th Sep,2009
地点:?利苑酒家, 北京市朝阳区建国门外大街甲6号中环世贸中心C座C2-C3
Venue:?Lei Garden Restaurant, C2-C3, Tower C World Trade Center, No. 6 Jian Guo Men Wai Street, Chao Yang District, Beijing
鸡尾酒会:?6 :30pm-7 :30pm
Cocktail Party:?6 :30pm-7 :30pm
晚宴:?7 :30pm-10 :00pm
Dinner:?7 :30pm-10 :00pm
价格:?¥ 980 (会员价:¥ 780 )
Price:?¥ 980 (Membership price: ¥ 780 )
咨询及预订:?韩先生 010-64612072 转123
Inquiry & Reservation:?Oracle 010-64612072 Ext.123
Dress Code:?Please Attend in Formal Attire.