顶级新西兰 与勃艮第之战 |
The Great
NZ / Burgundy Wine Challenge |
又是一年春,红樽坊的新西兰与勃艮第挑战赛又将卷土重来啦!这次我们精选了代表新西兰最顶级水平的黑皮诺(Pinot Noir)对阵世界级高品质的勃艮第葡萄酒(包括了传奇名庄罗曼尼康帝庄园)。也许分属南北半球的新西兰与勃艮第有着不同的酿造风格,土壤类型和气候,但同为黑皮诺的最佳生长区,他们在田间对这位娇惯的女王一样需要细心伺候,并在酿造中倾注心血以求展现其最佳潜力。
要在这两个国家中要选出胜者并非易事,加入我们这个有趣的活动吧,您将品味到以下酒款,并做出您自己的评判: 北京站挑战赛 新西兰队: 日期:2013年4月26日,周五
? |
It’s time again for us to invite all you wine enthusiasts to join us for a bit of fun at another of our great Ruby Red wine challenges. This time we want to showcase the wonderful wines of New Zealand and in particular take a look at how far New Zealand wine making has come, by putting a selection of great NZ pinots up against some of the world’s greatest Burgundies (including wine from legendary producer Domaine de la Romanee Conti). New Zealand and Burgundy may not share the same winemaking styles, soil type, climate or even hemispheres, but Pinot Noir will be the ultimate equalizer here, with both regions needing to work carefully in the vineyard and use thoughtful winemaking to bring this notoriously difficult grape to its fullest and most sublime potential. Choosing a winner won’t be easy, so make sure you join us and share your opinions as we taste our way through the following wines:
Beijng Challenge Representing New Zealand: Representing Burgundy: Date: Friday 26th April, 2013 |